We have a zero-tolerance policy on harassment.
If you experience or witness any behaviour that makes you feel uncomfortable in the club then please tell us, our staff are trained to help you in these situations. Our staff will immediately alert management of any complaint, who will personally investigate the incident.
Any form of harassment including leering, rude comments or touching will be dealt with, and anyone caught harassing other patrons will be given a lifetime ban from our club.
We hope that by working with you we can do our part in combatting this problem that nightlife faces. Your safety and enjoyment come first.
We always want to hear from you about your experiences, please use this feedback form to get in touch and a member of our team will get back to you.
Ask for Imran Ali
If you need to discreetly get away from your date, please go to the bar and Ask for “Imran Ali” all the bar staff know what to do and are trained what to do.
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